If you no longer need a group, you can turn it off so you, and your group members, do not see it anymore.  You can always turn your group back on if you want to.  This can only be done on the GroupValet website, not in the app.

De-activate (aka delete) your group

- From your GroupValet Dashboard, click on My Groups.

- Find the group you want to delete and click on Go to Group Homepage.

- Next, on the left side click the Manage tab.

- Click on Group Settings.

- For Group Status, change it to Not Active.

- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update.

If you have activities where people are signed up, you'll first need to cancel those activities before you'll be able to de-activate your group.  This article explains how.

Re-active your group

If you decide you want to turn your group back on in the future, this article explains how to do that.