GroupValet provides the ability for you to view the spreadsheets for your activities at any time.  You can view the spreadsheets for your upcoming activities and also for your past activities.

For either case, you need to log into - this is not available in our app.

View the spreadsheets for upcoming activities

1. From the Dashboard, click on Manage This Activity.

2. If you want to view the spreadsheet for a different date, click Manage Activities on the left side.  Choose the proper activity from the list and click Next.

3. In that activity, click one of the links to view the spreadsheet.  The html version will open in your web browser.  Note - these links will only appear if there is at least one member signed up.  If nobody is signed up, the spreadsheet links will be hidden.

View the spreadsheets for past activities

1. From your group's Manage tab, click on Report by Activity (near the bottom).

2. The default date range is the past 30 days.  You can change that range using the date selectors at the top of the page.

3. Find the activity and click the link to download the spreadsheet.