There are a number of communications sent and we use the various, specific names throughout the system.
1. Invitation: an email inviting a person to join a group. They must accept the invitation and register before they are admitted to the group. This only pertains to the free version of GroupValet (not the Community/Club version).
2. Signup Notice: an email that allows a member to respond whether they are attending an activity or not.
2a. Announcement: If there are no signups for a certain activity/event, then instead of a Signup Notice, the members will receive an Announcement stating the date, time and description. Members receive either a Signup Notice or an Announcement - never both.
3. Confirmation Notice: an email sent to a member after they have responded to an activity/event. These are sent out within an hour after the member responds.
4. Reminder Notice: an email sent to members who respond that they are attending an activity/event to remind them about the event (this can be disabled by the group captain).
5. Activity Change Notice: when the captain makes a change, or cancels, an activity/event, a notice is sent to any member who was already signed up.
6. Ad-hoc Notices: there are notices triggered by actions taken by members within GroupValet. It could be a message posted to the Group Wall or the Group Message Center.