GroupValet has a couple of different messaging options.  Both are only available on our website,, and not in the app.

For both of these options, they will be available on the Group Homepage, on the left side either under the Group or the Manage tab, depending on your group's settings.

To get to the Group Homepage, log into, click on the "My Groups" tab, scroll down to your group and click the button that says "Go to Group Homepage".

Group Message Center

The Message Center allows you to send a message out to the full group, selected individuals, or a segment of the group.  You can create your own segment - some examples might be:

  • Just those members who are signed up for next week's activity
  • Just those who declined for an activity
  • Just those who haven't responded for an activity

The message can contain images or links.

The message is sent to those you select.  If a member responds to the message, their response will only go to you.

Group Wall

The Wall allows your group members to have conversations that everyone can be a part of.  When a member posts to the Wall, everyone in the group will get the post.  Other members are able to reply right from their email and the replies will be sent to everyone in the group.  This can be useful if a member needs a partner, or a ride to an activity.

Wall posts cannot contain images, but can contain links.

Send a Group Email

On the Group Directory page you'll see a long email address with a Copy button next to it. You can copy and paste this email into your personal email program and that will send an email to everyone who is a member of the group. As people are added/removed from the group, this email address will automatically include/exclude them.